Donation: EUR 4,000 (24-04-2015)
Country: Kenya
Project: Kenya Sacco Scheme of Kuruwitu Conservation

Kuruwitu Conservation and Welfare Association was set up in 2003 by members of the community, concerned about the degradation of their seas. Over-fishing, climate change and uncontrolled fish and coral collection by the aquarium trade needed to be addressed before the marine ecosystem was damaged beyond repair.

Elders who could remember how healthy and productive the sea had been decades ago told their story and the Association put together a management plan for sustainable fisheries alongside other alternative income generating enterprises. In 2005 they took the unprecedented step of setting aside a 30 hectare Marine Protected Area (MPA). This was the first coral based Locally Managed Marine Area (LMMA) in Kenya. 12 years on, the area has made a remarkable recovery.

With fishing prohibited within the MPA, fish have grown in abundance, size and diversity. The area has become a breeding ground, leading to an increase in fish outside the MPA. As such, fishermen see greater catches due to a spillover effect. At the same time, biodiversity has increased dramatically making Kuruwitu a destination for eco-tourism creating jobs for guides, boat captains and rangers.

The Association was working with the local Beach Management Unit (BMU), the Kenyan State Department of Fisheries, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Oceans Alive to develop a co-management plan that covers 12 square kilometer area of ocean off the Kenyan coast. Through  plan, KCWA worked with local fishermen to promote the sustainable use of marine resources, to reduce post-harvest losses and improve fish marketing systems.

Name organisation

Kuruwitu Conservation and Welfare Association (KCWA)

Contact person

Des Bowden


P.O. BOX 73, 8
0119, Vipingo
Physical Address
Opposite Mombasa – Malindi highway, 
Shariani, Kilifi





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+254 722 511 870