Research of PHARMA Kids to prevent children’s thrombosis - EUR 20,000 (28 May 2024)
Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot that becomes dangerous when it flows to the pulmonary or heart artery or brain. This can lead to disability and even death. Ultimately, 1 in 4 Dutch people (in)directly die from thrombosis. The survey PHARMA Kids is aimed at babies and older children and delves into the effective consequences of use of certain medication.
The research is undertaken because thrombosis incidence in children increases. Premature born or seriously ill babies run several risks due to treatment. Usually the blood thinner Nadroparin is used. But it’s yet not clear what the best dosage is for children. Adults research results cannot be copied because children’s kidneys and liver work differently. This group is at risk of undertreatment or major bleeding caused by too high a dose.
A group from the Emma Children's Hospital/Amsterdam UMC led by Dr. Irene Klaassen investigates the correct evidence-based doses for children. The study starts by the end of 2024 in 5 academic hospitals and involves 120 children (ages 2 months to 18 years) receiving Nadroparin. The drug is being monitored in three groups of sick and premature babies.