Support to trauma training in West Cameroon - EUR 15,000 (28 May 2024)
In the ongoing conflict between former East and West Cameroon separatists in West Cameroon fight for independence. Use of brute force from both sides has led to many traumas among the population. The Sisters of St. Therese, a congregation under the authority of the Bishop of Buea in West Cameroon, sent Sister Jaqueline Atabong Manyi to study trauma specialism in the USA. As a graduate in psychology she returned to Cameroon in April 2024 to train others to become trauma specialists.
The funds support a training centre, trauma therapy and several kits for psychological testing and research to counter anxiety. A 6 month training of 9 participants to become Psycho - clinical Technicians began on the 15th of June and runs until the 15th of December 2024. Trainees are from 5 dioceses of the Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda. A three week training of 12 counselors on trauma begins from the 18th of October to the 8th of November 2024. The students return to their communities to perform trauma treatment for the residents.