Project: Building website - EUR 3,000 (7 July 2021)

Town Hall Naarden will get a new destination as House of the Town. The municipality of Gooise Meren, owner of the monument, and Stichting Huis van de Stad Naarden have set out the arrangements and conditions in a written agreement. The aim is to open the monument's doors more often and use the old town hall as a connector in the town. Thus, in addition to visitors, associations and foundations from the municipality will soon be welcome there and Gooise Meren Marketing will be given a base there at the request of the municipality. Connections will also be sought with entrepreneurs and cultural organisations in the municipality.

To build the website, the Boomgaard Foundation will contribute EUR 3,000.

Name organisation

Stichting Huis van de Stad Naarden

Contact Person

Frank Schreve


Cattenhagestraat 23

1411 CR Naarden 

Place, Country

The Netherlands - Naarden



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