Donation: EUR 10,000 (07-12-2015)
Country: Ghana
Kofi Annan School Foundation for the construction of a Junior Secondary School in Ajumako- Afranse (Ghana).
The Kofi Annan School (KAS) Foundation committed to build a Junior Secondary School (JSS) in Ajumako-Afranse in the autumn of 2015. The Foundation in that village helped earlier to build a nursery school, a primary school, a technical workshop with a toilet block and a six-classroom school for further education. The construction of a JSS is a wish of the Ghanaian trade union movement TUC, a long-term partner of KAS, in line with the Ghanaian government aim to concentrate education for the region in Ajumako-Afranse.
KAS constructed the JSS in three months with three different Dutch construction brigades, each going to Ghana for a month. Such brigade consists of five employees recruited among advanced students of the construction training courses at the ROCs Mondriaan (The Hague) and Markiezaat College (Bergen op Zoom) and a few training companies and approximately twenty young people, trained in Ghana for the construction industry. The brigades are led by three different Dutch teachers / foremen.
Name organisation |
Stichting Kofi Annan School |
Contact person |
Jeroen Sprenger |
Address |
Maldenhof 373 |
Country |
Netherlands |
Website |
Telephone |
T: +31 20 4090349 | M: +31 6 12657357 |